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Growth and Gratitude

By Sriram Chidambaram

I completed my first Green Pages article in March of 2020, and I was very excited. Unfortunately, before it could be published, you know what hit Bangalore and our school shut down. I was happy that our exams got postponed but I was sad that my article wouldn’t get published.

Fast-forward to late April when it was decided that TGP would take an online presence. I felt I had a lot of free time, and I committed to writing about the 5 most thrilling IPL games of all time. There was so much to write that each game was a separate article. It was an uphill task as each one took nearly 6 hours to write. After that, I decided to calm down a little and write just one article a week like everyone else.

I wasn’t very happy with my next few articles, but I knew each one would help me make the next one better. The research I did for these articles helped me learn so much more about sports, that I would have never known otherwise.

Soon, I got a hang of weekly writing and I began to write some articles that I was truly proud of. Some of my favourites were, ‘The Old Firm Derby: When Sectarianism meets Football”, “The Origins of the Stanley Cup: The Greatest Trophy In Sports”, and “Why India Sucks At The Olympics.” The readers finally started recognizing my articles as some went from 30 - 300 views. Some of my most viewed articles were, “Kobe Bryant: The Power Of Hard Work” and “What moves Me.”

As the months went by, school work became hectic and the TGP articles began slowing down. We only posted a few times a month, but that gave us the time to make our articles perfect. As we approach the end of the year, my time as a TGP Sports Column writer is coming to an end. TGP is on the lookout for a new Sports Column writer, for the 2021 class, to take off from where I’ve left off.

I’m going to miss brainstorming for TGP article ideas, asking my teammates for advice, writing last minute articles and the positive and negative feedbacks. I had a truly wonderful time writing for TGP as part of the class of 2020. I wish the future TGP writers the best of luck!

To all of my TGP teammates, thank you for the opportunity and experience you’ve given me. And of course my gratitude to the TGP readers everywhere.




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The Green Pages GWH, 2020

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