By Monisha Shivaraj
The second your footwear clicks the floor it produces a note with each step you take. Although every footwear forms a note, they all sound different. People around us always wear different kinds of footwear (unless it's school and we have to wear school shoes). I think about all the contrasting chords that different footwear makes. Perhaps if the chords formed by every individual footwear did not blend with the noise pollution around us, maybe just maybe we could all hear the harmonious musical melody that everyone produces with their footwear’s striking the surface beneath us. I just realized I’ve never really talked about footwear in any of my articles.
The first thing most people think about in the morning is what they’re going to wear for the day. It takes hours and hours to decide and honestly it can be a messy process. The night before my eventful days is the time my room is a mess because it takes me too many tries to finalize one weird outfit. So I suggest you all just end your days deciding your outfits for the next day instead of starting them by doing so. Trust me when I say this, but most times you are the way you wear.

We always have that one thing that you really love but you don’t have the time or incentive to actually learn more about it. Being a part of TGP induced me to enthusiastically learning so much more about fashion that I didn’t know. Attaining knowledge is a never-ending process, but writing for TGP stimulated this process for me. When I look back to the beginning of TGP, I never presumed that it would play such an important role in the last year of high school. Now as it comes to an end, I appreciate that it has played an important role in framing my last year of school.
A year ago I was just the girl who was passionately obsessed with fashion. Here we are now, a year later, i’m not just the girl who’s crazy about fashion but I'm also the girl who has some theoretical knowledge about it. With all the time this year offered, I got to go on this amazing roller coaster ride with the TGP family. It seemed a little scary in the beginning but it sure as hell was fun. 2020 has been an extremely hard year, but besides all the difficulties, this has also been that year that people really needed (although we didn’t know that we did). Peace of mind and time for oneself was like a place the world forgot, but 2020 was the year that personally helped me and i’m sure many other go back to this forgotten place. I’m so grateful to all those who modelled and helped me bring my word to life. My words would have been insufficiently expressed without their support.

Someone once asked me why I don’t like buying clothes online, or why I prefer buying fabric on my own. The warm scent of the fabric that floods through my veins as I feel the fiercely woven threads of fabric with my fingertips compels me to witness the appearance of the ravishing fabric in real life. The answer is so simple, although might not make sense to some, the same way book-lovers prefer books over virtual ebooks, I love the feel of knowing what clothes feel like in real life.
There are so many elements of fashion that I would like to express. I still have so much more to say about ancient fashion, the history of clothes our textbooks don’t care to mentions, the future of fashion, and if I kept writing this article won't get over. It’s a little sad, actually more than just a little sad that our issues were limited and rambling about all these topics was not possible. Someone once told me that the end of something good is always the path to the start of something new. Well it looks like I've been under the spotlight for too long now so as my runway of summoning fashion in words comes to an end, here’s to the start of your fashion week!