By Pragya Jhunjhunwala
The counseling column-it talks about how to go about your college application, talks to greenwood high alumni about their journeys, and explores a few underrated careers to give you a deeper insight into it. However, it does not exactly sound like something that one would be so passionate to write about. Well, let me tell you a story that might clear some things up.
I joined Greenwood High in November 2016, the middle of 8th grade. A weird time to join right? I had just shifted to Bangalore. Fast forward to June 2017, I started 9th grade- entering high school, this is typically the time everyone starts getting good grades so that it reflects well on their report cards being sent to colleges but not me. I was a pretty horrible student. I didn’t care about my marks or any extracurriculars. I didn’t even know that I needed to participate in all these activities and keep up my grades for a good college! In my defense, nobody told me but I’ve come to realize that that isn’t really a good excuse. For my 9th grade finals, I tried my best to finally do well and get a good score but for someone who has been doing terribly all year, that is not the easiest thing to do.
I did improve around 10% from my terms and the school even gave me a “best-effort” certificate but to me that certificate just meant-” you used to suck and now, you suck less”.
After this came 10th grade and everyone around me would just scream “boards!!” It does sound stereotypical but that is exactly what happened. Despite this, my grades weren’t too great either. However, I knew that there was no way I was going to let my board marks go bad. From the end of January to my board exams, I went into a somewhat self-isolation. I made a schedule for myself, only got out of the house for tuitions(which was two floors above me), gave up my phone(which was as it is a Nokia button phone), and stayed away from the internet! All this indeed paid off and I actually did pretty well. That high of getting a good grade was something which I had felt four years back and this feeling was amazing! But, it was only after my boards that I realized that I had to actually start doing so many things for my college applications! And at this point how I wished I had known in 9th grade itself! And this is one of the main reasons I’m writing this column;
It's almost like I'm writing notes to my 9th-grade self
I would have wanted someone to tell me to think about what I want to do as a career, I would’ve wanted someone to tell me to start extracurriculars and do better in school, and most importantly I would’ve wanted someone to tell me that hard work would be my only option. As a 12th grader, I try to do everything from being the best at my favorite subject(to get that high as well) to taking part in extracurriculars but those two years that I spent doing nothing will always be something I regret. I write this column so I can reach out to more students like me and encourage them to start working towards their dreams; and more importantly-working on themselves. It really is never too early!
The entire purpose of this column is to let students know that no matter what grade you are in, work hard-not just because your parents tell you to but because it will benefit you in the end. Going to a top 5 college will never compare to going to a somewhat good college and your career goals will definitely get a head start and you will thank no one but yourself in the end. The joy you will get from being one step ahead of everyone is something you will never achieve by being at an average level.
Overall, this entire application process is pretty tedious and I don't enjoy it either; Writing essays about my personal experiences and writing an SoP about why I want to study a subject is pretty maddening. But pushing through these years just to receive the award of going to a college of my choice is something I am definitely willing to do!
One thing I believe in strongly is that you should reach for the moon, if you fall you’ll still be among the stars. So, I am going to aim for the top and even if I do not get what I want, I will know that I did everything possible and have no regrets!
I really hope this column provides all readers with some clarity to their path ahead and if not I’m always open to feedback!