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What moves Quid Ultra?


When I first read the theme for this issue, I was a bit gobsmacked. You see, for me writing, reading and knowledge form a little triad and without one, it just isn’t complete. I love learning, and I’m constantly driven by the desire to know more and more, which is probably due to my highly competitive streak. So to give you a good insight into the kind of person I am, I’ll need to open up a bit about myself.

From a young age, my dad and I have always been close and he pushed me to read. With a bit of encouragement and tough love, I learnt that by reading, I not only feel better about myself but I also make my Dad happy. That’s where it all started from. He instilled in me a love for writing and hunger for knowledge and he told me one thing that has stuck with me since,” Be so knowledgeable that you can have a conversation with anyone about anything.”

It started from reading encyclopedias to doing online courses and reading college books, writing has developed along with my interests. From small short stories to poetry that I have recited at open mics to articles about things that I love, I’ve improved, torn my hair out, given up, got back to it many times before.

To be very truthful, I didn't quite understand what my job is as a Creative Director. A quick google search didn't help too much but in hindsight, I now understand that I've helped frame The Green Pages by doing my part, during brainstorming sessions with Edha, to come up with themes, to come with ideas for the team in case they weren't able to find a good topic, provided the idea for the podcast, came up with ideas for surveys and polls and helped Edha make The Green Pages what it is right now, though only 2 months young.

Edha and I work well together, for many reasons. We both think into the future, we're not shy to express our views or ideas and for the most part agree with each other. It's been really fun working with another Type A person and it's just refreshing to see someone whose truly passionate about what they're doing.

Aside from my work as Creative Director, this column is my baby, and it represents the person I am pretty well. I’m restless, and I can’t stick to one field of interest for too long. I am equally interested in writing about a relatively uncommon topic that is light in nature in a more factual manner and writing in a more editorial manner about a heavy, controversial topic. This column allows me to express my views on a matter I’ve been thinking and reading about, and I strive to be as brutally honest to the point where some might even feel compelled to write a negative comment and in no way do I take offense to that. It means that as a writer I have been so clear and so assertive in my writing that my message was understood, interpreted and denied by another, so much so that they wished to comment and it’s only a sign of being a good writer.


Quid Ultra means something beyond in latin. When I started this column I had just that term in mind- something beyond. I wasn't exactly sure what type of content to provide, but I knew that it had to be content which was not only different and thought- provoking but also interactive with our audiences.

I had a bunch of random thoughts scribbled on my signature yellow pad. Those random ideas materialised on a call with Sam, my creative director. We had all these amazing ideas about polls, debates, surveys, audios, videos and articles which provided a unique or much-needed look at situations. So rest assured, while I consider the whole magazine my baby, I'm extra attached to this column. Having watched amazing jubilee and cut type channels, I was inspired to create a movement of mine. Quid Ultra represents my will to create change, something worthwhile, something different that could power change, hence something beyond.

Slowly as time progressed along with Sam, I started shaping Quid Ultra into a rattling page where our opinions could be unapologetically expressed, yet not belittle or hurt anyone. After some wayward articles by the 6th issue we knew that Quid Ultra’s motto would be- Quid Ultra provides content that hits a nerve- whether good or bad.

There’s always something new happening in the world and almost everyday I write to Sam(more like spam her chat with voice notes and a million typos) with a new issue that deserves to be covered. What moves me? Anything and everything I have empathy for. These are things which stir something in me and often come out in an aggressive manner. For example, when we wrote Section 509, I realised after the whole Locker Room ordeal men were so scared to send in anonymous views also. That moved me. I realised that while covering issues we had to cover it from a holistic point of view and it may take the main issue away from the spotlight, but these small problems deserved to be talked about. Same with anything that either Sam writes or our guest writers write, These are issues which deserve a second look, especially a closer one. Often writing about bold issues comes with the fear of a backlash, especially in cases like Drawing Parallels. We were worried about the acceptance of the article, because at that time George Floyd protests were at an all time high and articles in India which went against police brutality had FIR’s charged against them. But we wrote it anyway. Because that’s our job as writers- to be true to the article and display it whether or not it's loved by the public.

We then launched a podcast in affiliation to this page. OverACup is one of those aspects of my life, in doing which I only get joy and never feel drained. Yes, by the 5th or 6th time I was hearing Aviral’s voice while sending edits, I wanted to never hear it again, but you know I still heard the episodes again after their official release. Every episode released or coming up( we have an exciting series with an NGO worker next) aligns to Quid Ultra’s philosophy of something beyond. These are conversations that enlace easy conversation with views and stories worth hearing.

I’ve been told before that Quid Ultra articles are highly opinionated. Good. Because these articles are our takes on the lived reality of our world, they're editorial pieces. Though very different from Insta stories, here opinions are not just served as visual pollution, the writers take time and put in hours of research to find logical backing to their argument and also give their complete thought process. You can choose to agree or disagree, but we definitely want to incite a reaction from your part. I love reading your opposing views or simple reflections on the articles. These articles should push you towards having constructive conversations and digging deep into your views and perceptions. As a writer there is no greater joy than people writing to you telling you what they felt about your article. It means they took the time to read, consolidate their thoughts and then take a stance on whether or not they support the idea. And that's what moves me.

- Sam Verma



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The Green Pages GWH, 2020

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