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- Avinash Binand

Good Morning! My name is Karen, I’m 30 years old, and I was vaccinated as a child. How else would I be as stupid as I am today? So today, I’m going to convince you to make the right choice: DON’T VACCINATE YOUR CHILD! Do you want to raise an autistic human being? Autism degrades a person to little more than a government tool, did you know? I don’t want any child of mine growing up to be a political sympathizer! Not my child, no, no, no!

Let’s talk about why vaccination is bad for your child: It causes autism, they have microchips for tracking by the government, and contain a lethal toxin to be released when you disobey the man in charge. What proof do I have, you ask? Do your own research, you lazy sod! Well, if you must know, I spoke to a few moms on Facebook, and it turns out that everyone who vaccinated their child had autistic children! They are all anti-vaxx now! Of course, I spoke to only 2 moms, and both their children had autism even before the vaccinations, but it still counts, you communist slave! I also watched a few videos on YouTube, and some doctors told me that vaccines are DANGEROUS, and the president forces them to give the vaccines to poor children. The doctor’s qualifications? They had a Ph.D. in Literary Arts.

Now, did I vaccinate my child? No, of course not. I’m not raising a retard! Of course, I may be exposing the children of other, more responsible and knowledgeable adults to diseases that they were vaccinated for, but shame on them! They deserve it if they were gullible enough to be coerced by the government into shoving a needle into their child’s god-knows-where. Yes, yes, of course I know that people like me are responsible for bringing the measles back from the dead, but does it really matter? It helps build immunity! These namby-pamby vaccinators are cowards. COWARDS, I tell you.

What does a vaccine contain that causes autism? For starters, it has Mercury, and alcohol, mixed into one, albeit harmless, yet scary, ethyl mercury. It also contains formaldehyde, and while the formaldehyde in vaccines is many hundred times lower than the amount that causes harm to humans, it is still a toxic substance! Disgusting. Wake up sheeple! The evidence is right here, you just need to get rid of your government loving attitude and see the facts!

Does it bother me that vaccination might soon be necessary in our country? Of course, but then I plan on leaving this godforsaken country and living in Mexico with my unvaccinated child. What? The custody laws with my ex-husband doesn’t allow that? I suppose it’s time to… eliminate him. In conclusion, I well and truly believe that vaccination is bad for you, even in the face of literal mountains of evidence showing otherwise, and a massive crowd of people willing to argue with me about it. I think I’ll leave this here, and let you make your own choice. God bless America!



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