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Au Revoir

By Devansh Pandey

” Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.”

“The art of recording, classifying, and summarizing in a significant manner and in terms of money, transactions and events which are, in part at least, of financial character, and interpreting the results thereof.”

Some of the few definitions which I got bored mugging up, studying continuously for more than 3 years.

What I firmly believe is that Commerce as a subject should not be completely theoretical as it bores out students like me very quickly who are more interested in studying the real-world scenario. I agree it is required in the initial years to build a strong base but repeating the same thing…..Nah.’

The Green Pages gave me an excuse to go aside and conduct all the research that was much necessary for me. Every week I used to scour the internet and look for content in areas of finance, scandals, failures, startups, etc. to match it with the theme. In the end, just one article would come up from my side in the Business Column, but to get that one piece I had to go through another 6-10 and select the most suited one. So, in the end, I feel I was the one who gained the most.

More than the knowledge aspect, I feel grateful to work with likeminded people as first of all there were no restrictions on anyone’s ideologies, and I could freely write on any topic as long as it matched with the theme. Secondly, I can say all the articles on The Green Pages were exclusive content as it was something I looked up and never found in other magazines. Some great articles like ‘The Fall of Natural Aspiration’, ‘The Pit of Despair’, ‘Chasing death’, ‘You need to Start Paying’, ‘The Interview with a Venture Capitalist’ and many more made me agree on the fact that there are many people with similar thoughts as mine.

And as a Business Column Writer, I think working In The Green Pages was just like working in any other Company and gave me a glimpse of the future. This was my first time working with a team of people for almost a year and it also thought me things like handling stress and prioritizing work which of course is the reason why I was able to continue writing for the entire year.

In the end, I would conclude by saying the same thing that it was really great working with The Green Pages as everything was greatly handled and coordinated and the leadership was in great hand too.




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The Green Pages GWH, 2020

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