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By Monisha Shivaraj

They say till the 1850s there were no human models, from the era of using little dolls to display the gift of fashion to using models to portray it and then skipping to using robots as models, we’ve come a long, long way. 

But technology? Technology has taken the high road. From how clothes are worn to how they are made, automation is redesigning the fashion industry.

I’m not sure but I'd like to hope that most of you guys have watched the movie 'Clueless'. But for those who haven’t, it is a movie from the 90s that revolves around a teenage girl, Cher Horowitz, and Cher’s got a virtual closet that helps her pick out her clothes every day. This closet seemed like super supernatural for the pre-virtual shopping world. It was a computer outfit selector that was so ahead of its time that it almost made people say ‘as if’. But now it actually exists and is called virtual and augmented reality. Either way, I think that Cher’s closet was the start of technology promoting fashion.

Modern designers can now create new styles and designs through the medium of modern computers. Traditional tools always prove to make the job slower yet technology always seems to help fasten the process. Technology has progressed so much that now it also allows designers to mix styles and use various materials such as bioengineered textiles and leather made from microbes. But no, computing doesn’t mean a software but it's a machine that works for the fashion industry.

Moving on, we come to the magical phenomenon of 3D printing. The rise of 3D printing in the fashion industry has highlighted the promotion of fashion via technology. 3D printing advances customisation of garments with a wide range of benefits depending on people’s framework, such as size, height, etc. it is easily accessible and has minimal wastage as well. Iris Van Herpen is a designer who widely uses 3D printing in her haute couture collections. Every one of her collections leaves with a spark that’s never forgotten. Nabil El-Nayal,

Victoria's Secret, Catherine Wales, Francis Bitonti, Noa Raviv, Marina Hoermanseder and Chanel are other designers as well as designing brands that have embraced the art of 3D printing.

Technology constructs a new social life and motivates expressing fashion tastes as well as showcasing lifestyle. Technology also helps us learn a lot. Like we learn from the internet, from the people on the internet as well as each other. Every single time I come up with an article, I always learn so much, and I’ve got to thank the fast-moving technology. Although technology is the future, it helps me learn more about the past. Technology is the reason why all of us are surviving this pandemic (I would love an argument on this one). And without technology, The Green Pages would probably be nothing today.

-By Monisha Shivaraj



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