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My Little Girl

"Mama, why did you lie?"

My little girl cried

I immediately thought of the tooth fairy

And magical sleigh rides

Instead, she told me something

That made my heartthrob

"Why'd you tell me I was beautiful?"

Was what she sobbed.

I pulled her in close,

Began to whisper in her ear

I told her all the things,

That she needed to hear

I told her that her eyes

Were wondrous and kind

They were windows to her soul,

Doors to her mind.

Her hair, a jet black

Was curled in tight rings

The button nose I gifted her

Sniffed as she heard these things

Her body was flawless

Just like everything she owned

My little girl was perfect for me,

From her skin to her bones.

She had her father's lips,

Her grandmother's height

She carried a little of everyone,

And still cast her own light

Her weight was just a number;

Her worth was so much more

I told her to show me the smile

I'd always be thankful for.

She stretched her lips in response,

Not believing a word I'd said

I wanted to find the one,

Who'd put this notion in her head

I wished to bring back the joy,

The colour on her face

I hoped this insecurity

Would be a passing phase.

I told her to keep her chin up,

Walk with her back straight

I wished that her confidence-

Would soon elevate

My little girl was a warrior;

Intelligent and strong

Whoever thought beauty had one form,

Couldn't have been more wrong.

It comes in every shape and size,

Type, colour and race

Our hearts, minds and souls, too-

Not just in a pretty face

I wanted to argue more,

Convince her I was telling the truth

But I knew my girl wouldn't listen,

Until she believed it too.

~Sahana Athreya,

Inventure Academy, Grade 12



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