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Whatever happens, happens for good.

By - Sanjana Agarwal

Cultural Secretary

“And now the cultural secretary for the academic year 20-21 is…Sanjana Agarwal!” A huge round of applause resounded in the new greenwood high auditorium. My eyes fixated on the floor, I walked onto the stage, already starting to feel the despair that this very sentence would bring me.

Whatever happens, happens for good. This saying is essentially my life motto. Yes, there hasn’t been a day where I haven’t questioned this motto. Yes, there hasn’t been a day where I haven’t screamed and stomped my feet at the horrific challenges life has presented me with. Yes, there hasn’t been a day where I didn’t feel like falling into an endless slumber only to be woken up by prince charming, ten years into the future. However, recent experiences have caused me to stick by this motto.

The simple truth is that everything happens for reason, may it be good or bad. We don’t always understand the true meaning behind the happening, but the fact is that everything happens for a reason. It causes us to look at the “bigger picture”.

Coming back to my first statement. I was nominated for the position of School Captain, Sports Captain and Ruby House Captain. One might think that one post is guaranteed from among the three. Well, things didn't turn out as I thought they would, and I was landed with the supposed mockery of a post: Cultural Secretary. I smiled and congratulated my fellow councilmembers on their election as I stood on the stage blinking away tears. I avoided the pity hugs and snide comments and walked straight into my bus hoping to melt into the dark blue seats.

The next few days, I was ashamed to show my face. As if mentioning the words “angel face” in my speech wasn’t embarrassing enough, the fact that I was only second-best in not one, but all three categories seemed to hang over my head like a fat grey burdensome cloud. To add salt to a wound that hadn't yet healed, even my badge didn't hold the prestige of the other council posts. "Cultural Securetary" it read, the misspelling only adding to the jokes people were making behind my back.

But what made this timelessness bearable was the newly elected and previous councils’ support. They showered me with words of encouragement and strength. Trying to teach me how to hold the Bugle and walk in a synchronised manner, they made me laugh during investiture practice. Why Bugle you say? Apparently, that is the mark of a Cultural Secretary and I was supposed to own it. These members applauded my election with utmost sincerity. 

They motivated me and believed that I would show the entire school what I was capable of as the Cultural Secretary of Greenwood High.

Even in the short span of ten months, I have come a long way. No more can anyone say that myself or Edha, the Magazine Editor, have been appointed to “pity” posts. We have been thoroughly involved in all the council’s endeavours. Hosting online inter-house events through MYSA, and starting ‘The Green Pages’, are a testament to our personalities and hard work. We deserve to be acknowledged as one of the leaders of our school, not just the two nominees who were handed over the “leftover badges”.

I am proud to call myself the Cultural Secretary. I am proud to be in the Student Council of 2020-21. I am proud of coming to terms with reality and accepting my fate. That one statement changed my outlook on life. It incited a bulk of emotions which brought me a step closer to knowing and loving myself.

Sometimes, the things that happen to you may seem horrible, painful and unfair at first, but later on, you realize that without overcoming these obstacles, you would have never realized your own strength, willpower and potential. You wouldn’t be where you are today without these challenges.  Everything happens for a reason. People you meet are the ones who affect your life and shape who you are. Injury, illness, love, sadness and pain all occur to test the limits of your soul. If someone hurts you, betrays you or breaks your heart, forgive them, as they have helped you learn about the truth. We should learn from other people’s mistakes and experiences. Thinking positively isn’t about expecting the best to happen every time, but accepting, whatever happens, is the best for this moment. You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude towards what happens to you. You can master change rather than allowing it to master you.

Dear Cultural Secretary of 2021-22,

You got nominated, stood on that stage and gave it your best. Now wear that black and white badge with honour, self-respect and contentment.

You are important. You are loved. 

And always remember, whatever happens, happens for good.

~Cultural Secretary of 2020-21

P.S. Let’s hope the badge is spelt correctly this time.

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