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July's Picks

With 31 articles in July, can we just say what a month it has been. These articles were written despite unit tests coming up at the end of the month and we're sure you all agree they were still top-notch. There were certain gems that received so much love and moved us Devansh going out of his comfort zone to write about Humans Crossing the Line. Also worth mentioning is that sports really shined through this month with not just the regular articles from Sriram, but a special soccer one. In fact, Vox Populi also featured Sports Captain Yash’s article. Another interesting underlying theme last month was the collaborations that were seen. There were phenomenal articles produced because they say teamwork makes dream work. So, wrapping the month up, here are the top 5 articles from July-

5. Why Liverpool will never forget- written by Arnav Sampigethaya may sound like an odd sports article in the Current affairs column, but we can assure you it is a media conspiracy worth reading. It talks about media, police and their interlinking with the sports community. While focused on Liverpool, it shadows the concept of how radical behaviour from media and police can make or break society.

4.The Beauty of Machine Learning- written by Shivam Panda and Arnav Sampigethaya is an article which simply puts across a complex field. Whether or not you are a science student this article will help you learn new things and in a manner that you won’t have to break your head. It is a true testimony of their ability to write well by showing and not telling.

3.What are we- by Edha Singh, in collaboration with Eesha Gorti is the latest quid ultra article that received a lot of love. It is a rant accompanied by tidbits of philosophy and psychology to give you a package of relatable and reflective. Quite a long read, but worth it, because after all it talks about the musings of every normal being when in any relationship, questioning ‘what are we’.

2. The Puzzle of Jon Benets Murder- written by Monisha Shivaraj is the most phenomenal article the fashion has column has produced. It is an immersive read into the death of a child model and the conspiracies surrounding it. The best way to compliment it is that it’s a written version of BuzzFeed unsolved from youtube or unsolved conspiracies from Netflix. A thrilling read that is written with exceptional clarity. A must-read for a gloomy afternoon or a silent, cold night!

1. Racism through the lens of pop culture- Written by Arnav Sampigethaya, in collaboration with Eesha Gorti is the ultimate article from last month. It provides a unique lens and a positive way of looking at racism. Often talks of such heavy nature weigh down on you and drain you, but this article will keep you engaged and serve racism in sizeable bites. It is an issue that requires education on in any way possible, and this perhaps is the best way. Don’t want to spoil it, so go read it to find out the masterpieces in music discussed in relation to racism.

As usual thank you to all our readers for their support. Stay tuned in August for two more podcast series, personal articles in vox populi and more. Do send feel free to send in op-eds or your general views and do contribute to vox populi so we can feature your work!


Arohi Sachar


Pragya Jhunjhunwala,


Edha Singh,

Magazine Chief Editor

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